Houston Car Accident Lawyer
Attorney Steve Lee

5815 Gulf Freeway Suite 300 Houston, TX 77023

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50 Years of Experience

How Houston Car Accident Attorney Steve Lee Can Help You

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, contact the Houston car accident lawyers at Steven M. Lee P.C. Our car accident attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you can get quality legal representation without paying an upfront retainer. We negotiate a percentage of your settlement to cover our attorney fees. You pay nothing until and unless we obtain a settlement for you.

Our Houston car accident attorneys have over four decades of experience working on many types of car accidents. Founding attorney Steve Lee, is an experienced Houston car accident lawyer and has dedicated his career to fighting for car accident victims in Houston, Texas. Together with his nephew, Sam Lee, they form a formidable team.

When another person’s negligence causes you harm, you can’t afford to get into a bartering war with your insurance company. Our attorneys have spent their entire careers gaining the experience and knowledge needed to protect our clients.

Call us today for a free initial consultation.

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At Attorney Steve Lee, we pride ourselves on our track record of success. Our commitment to fighting for our clients has led to numerous substantial victories, securing our clients the compensation they deserve. These are just a few examples of our firm’s dedication to achieving the best possible results for our clients. At Attorney Steve Lee, we fight for you and your family and work tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

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$ 22 M

Severe Injury From
18-Wheeler Accident

$ 7 M

Client who was Rendered
a Quadriplegic

$ 3 M

Rear-Ended By A Car
On The Freeway

These are just a few examples of our firm’s dedication to achieving the best possible results for our clientes. At Attorney Steve Lee, we fight for your rights and work tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.


Meet Our Attorneys

Experienced Houston Car Accident Lawyers

Steven M. Lee

Steve has a distinguished career as a personal injury trial lawyer, focusing his practice on all types of motor vehicle accidents.

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Samuel B. Lee

Sam has successfully represented over 100,000 satisfied clients and counting.

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What our clients say

Injured In A Car Accident? Call Attorney Steve Lee

Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents Cases We Handle


The Importance of Getting Medical Attention Immediately After an Auto Accident

If you’ve been injured in an accident, see a medical doctor as soon as possible. You should ask for an evaluation or visit your doctor within 24 hours of the accident. Not only can you avoid potentially serious conditions such as internal bleeding or a head injury, but you are also gathering support for your car accident claim.

Car accident victims need to establish a direct link between the car wreck and their injuries to claim damages from those at fault. Waiting to get evaluated leaves room for the insurance company or defendants to claim your injuries were caused by something else.


The first step in managing the aftermath of a Houston car accident is to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance policy. This starts the claims process. Filing an insurance claim seems easy, but remember: auto insurance companies are looking to reduce their payouts so they can increase their profits. They are not on your side.

Insurance companies want you to call them first because they are hoping to get a recorded statement from you that could harm your case. When you are speaking with the at-fault driver’s insurance provider, they are eager to find ways to dispute your claim. This is why we recommend hiring a Houston car accident lawyer before you speak with the insurance company. We can communicate with them on your behalf, protecting your rights and preventing them from taking advantage of you.

Insurance Company Tactics Could Leave You Paying Out of Pocket for Medical Expenses

Insurance adjusters will use any technique possible to minimize or refuse your insurance claim. Insurance companies will make low-ball car accident settlement offers to try to quickly close your claim. Rushing your claim could leave you paying out of pocket down the road for expenses that should have been reimbursed by the at-fault party.

The Houston car accident attorneys at Steve Lee know that you could have extensive medical bills and other costs that must be accounted for. Our attorneys will not allow the insurance company to overlook your injuries and other personal injury damages. Everyday we help car accident victims find expenses related to serious injury that the insurance company will overlook.


Additionally, many car accident injury symptoms take time to appear. Common expenses we see that must be included in a client’s car wreck claim are:

  • Medical expenses, including ER, ICU, and surgical costs
  • Physical therapy
  • Travel for medical care
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Rehabilitation expenses
  • Anxiety and depression
  • PTSD
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Disability, scarring, or disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Funeral expenses in wrongful death

Remember: Every case is unique. Your losses may be different. Fortunately, Houston Attorneys Steve Lee and Sam Lee understand the nuances of many types of car accidents, including:

Types of Car Accidents Cases We Regularly Handle

Head-on Collisions

These crashes are rare but often the most serious and can cause fatalities. Two vehicles collide nose to nose, or a single vehicle may slam into a stationary object. Proving fault in these accidents can be challenging.

Hit-and-run Accidents

Drivers who leave the scene of an accident can be criminally charged and face civil lawsuits from those they injured. An experienced car accident lawyer can work with the police to identify the person and bring them to justice.

T-bone collisions

Frequently occurring in intersections when a driver is making a left turn or runs a stop signal, these crashes can cause serious injuries. When the nose of one car collides with the side of another, victims can be pinned in the vehicle or killed instantly.

Multi-car Pileups

In heavy traffic, it only takes one mistake or careless act to cause many vehicles to smash into one another, creating a multi-car crash. Determining liability in these collisions is very difficult, especially if you obeyed the law but were pushed into another car.

Rear-end collisions

This kind of crash often happens in stop-and-go heavy traffic or at intersections when drivers turn left. Getting rear-ended because someone failed to see your brake lights can cause whiplash, concussions, and other injuries.


Texas Auto Accident Law

Getting Fair Compensation in a Car Accident Case

Remember: Texas is an at-fault state for car insurance. This means that drivers who cause injury in a Houston auto accident must pay for the damages from their insurance policy.

If their limits are exhausted, and the policy does not provide enough for your bills, you have the right to sue the at-fault driver for negligence and recover full compensation.

Texas law also allows for modified comparative negligence. This means that multiple parties can be found at fault in a motor vehicle accident. This can backfire if you were speeding and contributed to the crash.

You must seek every penny of damages you have suffered due to the negligence and wrongful actions of the liable party. By yourself, you may have only a few photos and the crash report to back up your claim. With Steven M. Lee P.C., you have powerful personal injury attorneys and a dedicated legal team on your side.



Texas law also allows for modified comparative negligence. This means that multiple parties can be found at fault in a motor vehicle accident. This can backfire if you were speeding and contributed to the crash.

However, if you are found 51% or less responsible for the accident, you can still seek compensation from the negligent driver. Your settlement or jury award will be reduced by the same percentage as your fault. For example, 20% fault means 20% less in compensation.

While a driver who breaks the law may be held responsible by the police department, it is up to you and your lawyer to hold them financially accountable for how they harmed you. This involves establishing a direct link between their carelessness and your injuries, presenting proof of your losses, including pain and suffering.

We often see negligence due to driver inattention, drowsy driving, drunk driving, speeding, and failure to obey traffic laws. Your car accident attorney will present evidence, including testimony from law enforcement officers, to show how the other party is at-fault and owes you damages. They will protect your legal rights and financial interests throughout your case.




Healing from serious injuries can take a long time. However, time is not on your side when you need to file your car accident case. Texas law provides a very short statute of limitations.

You have only two years to find an auto accident lawyer, build your case, and file the claim or lawsuit according to the required legal process. If you miss the deadline, you could lose your chance to seek compensation through the courts.

Our Team Prepares For The Courtroom From The Beginning

Working with an experienced car accident lawyer pays off when the insurance company does not meet our demands in negotiation. Our team prepares for the courtroom from the beginning, allowing us to quickly file a car accident lawsuit to secure the maximum compensation for your damages.

We can collect evidence such as the police report, photos, witness statements, and expert witness testimony to support your demands in a claim or lawsuit. We also hire reconstruction specialists to recreate what happened and produce a technical accident report to show liability.

Fatal Car Accidents

When there is a fatality from a car accident, the survivors may have the right to pursue a wrongful death claim against those responsible. Our personal injury lawyers can build a strong personal injury case for your family. We will include all the damages they have suffered, including funeral expenses, medical bills, and grief.

Were You Or A Loved One Injured In A Car Accident?

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For the past 50 years, we’ve made it our mission to help victims of personal injuries secure their rights and find justice within their accidents. So far, we’ve successfully helped over 100,000 victims such as yourself gain fair settlements for their injuries — and we don’t intend to slow down anytime soon. Reach out to us today to become one of the many satisfied clients we work so hard to protect.

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